Yongda Meat Supply Co — Meat in North York, Ontario, Canada

   Full information about Yongda Meat Supply Co in North York, Ontario, Canada: phone. address, website, fax, opening hours, etc.

Contact Information

Address: 12 Golden Gate Crt #1, Scarborough, Ontario M1P 3A5, North York, Ontario (ONTARIO), M1P 3A5

Phone: (416) 321-5699

Fax: (416) 321-5575

Category:  Meat in North York

Yongda Meat Supply Co opening times

Sun: Closed

Mon: 11:00am - 7:00pm

Tue: 11:00am - 7:00pm

Wed: 11:00am - 7:00pm

Thu: 11:00am - 7:00pm

Fri: 11:00am - 7:00pm

Sat: Closed

* Hours "Yongda Meat Supply Co" indicated for the examination and may not coincide with the real!

You can specify the time by phone (416) 321-5699

Reviews about Yongda Meat Supply Co in North York

About Yongda Meat Supply Co

On this page you can find detailed information about the "Yongda Meat Supply Co". For a letter, use the address 12 Golden Gate Crt #1, Scarborough, Ontario M1P 3A5, Scarborough, ONTARIO M1P 3A5. You can call the company by phone Yongda Meat Supply Co (416) 321-5699 or send a fax to (416) 321-5575. "Yongda Meat Supply Co" is located in Scarborough. Yongda Meat Supply Co described in the category Meat


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